Buhari’s dirty politics is basically hinged on insensitivity with a medley of ineptitude and clannishness. Every populist promise he made to win votes in 2015 has been breeched straightaway. Instead of draining the swamp of discord between the people when he assumed office, he filled it with more hatred, bitterness, cabals and sectarianism. He assumed office of, by and for his section, 97% and left the remaining 5% far worse than they were before.
The myth of ‘I am for everybody, I am for nobody’, that fake anti a establishment phrase also vanished straightaway after his inauguration.
Buhari’s dirty politics and those of his cabals are responsible for the ernomous harm and death to countless millions of Nigerians. Instead of face his failures or resign from lack of carrying capacity, he is swimming in the mire of his badly constructed blame games.
He didn’t become the president by being a good person, he did through dirty politics by the means of an organized populist propaganda which did not allow the people to interrogate his past deeply. Sai Baba, that very insulting clamour to sensibility!
He is now surrounded with crooks and rogues who temper often with our commonwealth. He was recently advised to share the billions of Naira of the Abacha loot from Switzerland to imaginary poor people but to go to borrow billions to fund the budget. Which sane mind thinks like that?
Instead of pursuing peace and stability in the country that has suffered immense divisions, he is greviously encouraging nepotism, breeching all known laws, waging wars against those who disagree with his barbaric style of governance, terrorising minority tribes through either herdsmen or security agents, violating human and civil rights of the citizens.
During his campaigns, owing to the deadly Boko Haram insurgency, Buhari promised to improve and tackle insecurity across the country. Today, the security situation is more dismal than ever. His defence team, built from his section, has become mouth piece for killer herdsmen, paving ways for their grazing routes or otherwise, death in hundreds. Oh, the government is trying to measure up the deaths that occurred during the 16 years reign of PDP, how low a government can fall down to as if lives are pebbles lost in childhood plays.
Today, the economy is in shambles like rice shaffs blown by the wind. This is due to his series of unawares demarketing strategies of the country in hopeless foreign trips that yield nothing. The people struggle to thumb a living from miracles everyday. Farmers have either been killed in hundreds or have been dispatched to internally displaced persons camps, and there are projections of femine next year and the years to come if the killing do not stop.
His harvest is homelessness, hunger, deprivation…pretending prosperity had been hampered by years of corruption even when he sits and dine with the likes of Maina and Babachir and other corrupt cabals.
I do not wish to argue with any insane mind that Nigeria is not worse than it had ever been. The nation is conducive for only a privileged few, the others, 5%, are trampled upon like chattels and exploited. The nation is in a deplorable state of decay under Buhari, a fact not in doubt. His criminal array of administrative officials are there to be seen, his extremist security ministers and agents aid killer herdsmen, and according to TY Danjuma, collude with them to carry out heinous crimes against farmers. How could the Birom people be under attack for two days without any repreive? Up till now, none of his security agents or ministers has been changed since 2015 even in the face of their ineptitude.
Buhari’s voodoo policies are inflicting harm on millions of Nigerians in a far worse situation that can ever be imagined. We must agree things are more dismal and disturbing than any time in our modern history. The nation is sliding into unchecked economic downturn and perhaps war if this killing trend is not handled with finesse.
Lest we forget, a police state is firmly established with the fortitude of tyranny… We are sliding towards a fully-blown anarchy if the people respond in the same vein against the government. All kinds of freedoms are being suspended with unwritten decrees, removed and disappearing before our own very eyes. People now talk in hushed voices, the western world take us as political asylum seekers, senators are being dragged on tarred roads like common criminals for daring to disagree with Buhari’s primal style of governance.
Instead of working to fulfil some parts of his deceitful campaign promises, Buhari is proving everyday he is a dirty politician. My imagination wonders at this moment to how history will judge him when his work here is over.
Elempe Del