The number of Nigerians with wounds ranging from diabetic sores, legs ulcers, injuries of various kinds, burns, etc. without the right kind of treatment or affordable healthcare is alarming. Many patients have resulted to self care and in many cases the wound gets worse and suffer with for many years. As a result, for superstitious reasons, these individuals are tagged witches or wizards or assumed to have committed some wickedness for which they are being punished, but that is not true. The lack of good medical care, finances, coupled with emotional instability keep these wounds festering. Health is holistic, it involves the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing of any individual, lacking in any one of these can result in the gradual breakdown of an individual,
Four years ago, in November 2015, the relationship between Charity Wound Care, Inc. USA and Omosede Global Foundation began with one patient in Benin.
In December 2014, on her usual walks in the morning around her community, Omololu Ojehomon stopped at a shop on Iwegie Street to purchase some items, when she noticed the shopkeeper sitting towards the back. Uncomfortable for some reason she raised her long skirt up and Omololu observed a leg ulcer that had gone past her ankle. It had eaten up most of the skin in that area and could see part of her bone. Concerned she asked the shopkeeper if she could see it. She asked the shopkeeper if she was diabetic, the answer was no, that she had been bitten by a spider, and it’s poison kept eating away at her flesh. The shopkeeper had gone to several hospitals and herbalists, but for three years none were able to help her. Omololu then asked the shopkeeper if it was okay for her to interfere, she agreed and Omololu requested for photographs of her leg. She sent the photos to friends in the medical profession in the USA for help, but none got back to her. Almost one year later, in November 2015 while browsing Facebook, Omololu saw photos of wound care being given at a hospital in Lagos by Mrs. Joyce Aghedo, Wound Care Specialist and childhood friend, and contacted her asking if she will be willing to come to Benin to see the shopkeeper, she agreed. At Omololu’s home, the shopkeeper was treated, trained on how to care for the wound, counseled, oriented on what foods to eat that will facilitate healing and given free medication and supplies. Expenses were paid for by Omololu. Mrs. Joyce Aghedo said she will return to Nigeria in March 2019 and promised to come to Benin for a follow-up, which she did. When the shopkeeper’s leg was unwrapped, the leg had healed and granulated 94% with only a small portion red in color showing active healing.Since that time, Mrs. Joyce Aghedo comes to Edo State at least once a year on a Wound Care Mission helping hundreds on the road to good health.

In March 2019, Mrs. Aghedo contacted Omololu that she wanted to collaborate with her on a One day FREE Wound Care Mission in any hospital of her choice in May 2019. Excited about the news Omololu immediately contacted Dr Atoe kenneth, Consultant Chemical Pathologist and Metabolic Physician for assistance on a location that will best meet the needs of the public. In the final analysis the Police Cottage Hospital was the best option. Both proceeded to the Hospital to meet with CSP Dr. Margaret N. Oyakhire to discuss the matter. The Nigeria Police Medical Services agreed and immediately, with full cooperation began collaboration with Omosede Global Foundation to make it happen. Working closely with SP Dr Oluwatosin Adefila on the details of the Mission, everything was set for Wednesday, May 22, 2019 the day the Mission was scheduled.

and Metabolic Physician

Before and After Photo
Nothing could have prepared us for our first patient, Jassa, age 32. He has lived with his injury since 2007 from a vehicle accident with little or no help. When his family exhausted their funds they turned to the church for help. Thanks to St. Vincent de Paul Church who referred him to us, after they received our flyer. We got to him on time, the leg can be saved.
We have also secured for him and other patients who came for treatment follow-up care at the Police Cottage Hospital in Benin City until he heals for #1,000.00 (One Thousand Naira) per month. Dr Imuwahen Nehikhare, is the physician handling the follow-up care of the patients from the wound care mission.

Nigeria Police Medical Services
He was also given medication for free and Omosede Global paid for his antibiotics which was purchased from the pharmacy.
His aged father and himself were also counseled by both Charity Wound Care, Inc. USA on the medical aspects of his road to recovery and Omosede Global Foundation on the emotional aspects.
He will also be provided with a physical therapist when his leg heals 25% to help relieve the contraction and for mobility. Omosede Global Foundation will monitor and make provision for this service.
He needs your prayers to heal.
The nurses of the Nigeria Police Medical Services were trained on best practices in providing Wound Care, Supplies and medications were donated to the Police Cottage Hospital by Charity Wound Care, Inc. USA for the follow-up care for the patients. Wounds treated by the wound care specialist varied from vehicle accidents, leg ulcers, abscess, dog bite, and other injuries.

The Police Cottage Hospital is open to the public and is affordable. It is located at Plot 12, Dennis Osadebey Avenue, off Ikpokpan Road, GRA, Benin City.

The facility provides the following services. Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Maternity, Optometry (Eye Clinic), in/out-patient Pharmacy, Patient Admission with a 15 bed capacity, Family Planning, Immunization, Laboratory, Scanning, Heart-to-Heart talks, HIV Testing and Counseling, and Screening.

Our gratitude to Charity Wound Care, Inc. USA, Omosede Global Foundation and the Nigeria Police Medical Services and all the volunteers for providing this service to the public. A big thank you goes out to Mrs. Joy Ozigbo-Ideh of 70’s Grill for providing a healthy and delicious lunch to the team of volunteers.